Medicine & Health
Beatrice Martine
Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
School fee per year: 5198 SEK
Year of graduation: 2018
I was born in Ngokolo village in Shinjanga, Tanzania where I grew up with my parents and siblings. My parents are peasants who cultivate maize and beans for the familys' own consumption but they also try to sell some of the harvest. I am now in my third year of study but have had some problems in terms of paying my university tuition fee. My parents are always struggling to assist me in my studies. They are doing their best so that I can get a better education but what they earn is simply not enough to get me through my degree.
WHY Medicine & Health
A lot of people die from ordinary illnesses and the number is increasing daily. Hence by becoming a doctor I will help to combat with this situation especially being able to help children under five years who are more susceptible to infections. I think the challenge in my country is to improve the management of the hospitals. We need better leaders and I can see myself being that leader if I find a group of similar people to work with. One day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic. I want to become a doctor or more specifically a pediatrician and one day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic.
When I am not studying myself I teach science subjects at several different secondary schools in order to make some extra money.
✅Beatrice Martine's application has been reviewed
✅Beatrice Martine has been interviewed
✅Beatrice Martine's enrollment has been confirmed by Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
Medicine & Health
Beatrice Martine
Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences

5198 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
100% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2018
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 3
I want to become a doctor or more specifically a pediatrician and one day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic.
I want to become a doctor or more specifically a pediatrician and one day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic.
I was born in Ngokolo village in Shinjanga, Tanzania where I grew up with my parents and siblings. My parents are peasants who cultivate maize and beans for the familys' own consumption but they also try to sell some of the harvest. I am now in my third year of study but have had some problems in terms of paying my university tuition fee. My parents are always struggling to assist me in my studies. They are doing their best so that I can get a better education but what they earn is simply not enough to get me through my degree.
A lot of people die from ordinary illnesses and the number is increasing daily. Hence by becoming a doctor I will help to combat with this situation especially being able to help children under five years who are more susceptible to infections. I think the challenge in my country is to improve the management of the hospitals. We need better leaders and I can see myself being that leader if I find a group of similar people to work with. One day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic. I want to become a doctor or more specifically a pediatrician and one day I would like to have my own hospital or clinic.
When I am not studying myself I teach science subjects at several different secondary schools in order to make some extra money.


This student has either just been accepted to the program or graduated before we launched student updates on our website. If the student has just been accepted, a first update will come in a couple of weeks.


Q: How can I trust Beatrice Martine is a real student?

A: Beatrice Martine has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Beatrice Martine . We have also double-checked the given identity with Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.

Q: Why does each student have their own fundraising profile?

A: We believe in a global "we" - our crowdfunding platform is a way for our students to express what societal issues they want to bring change to, and a way for our funders to learn and join their important causes by donating to their studies.