More than 100 women participated in the IT boot camp, filling up every seat in the computer labs. Three trainers managed by a project coordinator led the practical training in the labs taking the participants from the very basics of navigating the computer desktop to using Microsoft Office to create their own business plan, budgets and presentations about their personal fictional company. The practical sessions were mixed with inspirational lectures from Doris Masega, HR Manager at Scania Tanzania, visits to innovation hubs and panel discussions.
The evaluations show that 99% of the participants feel the boot camp meets its objectives. Furthermore, the knowledge test shows that the participants have increased their practical skills remarkably and 99% say they want to deepen their knowledge in one or more of the areas covered in the trainings, showing that the interest for ICT has grown immensely. Lastly, the evaluation comments show that the IT boot camp has indeed raised the awareness about gender equality and helped build participants confidence and will to share their knowledge with others.