Evance Daudi Mazengo
Business Administration
Kampala International University in Tanzania
School fee per year: 0 SEK
Year of graduation: 2025
My name is Evance Mazengo. My family has seven members. My mother passed away in 2017. My father is a peasant and use much time cultivating the farm where he can get some crops for food and for sale. My academic performance increased day after day in primary and secondary school and I entered the advanced level. I passed the exams and was qualified to join university education. University education was so hard for me since I lacked loan from the government and support from parents and other guardians thus I decide to postpone my studies. Now I'm waiting for my new academic studies in October 2022 to start my studies again and I hope I will perform better than before.
Business administration is based on human resource management, and the course title itself inspired me to take this field. I also got inspired by people who are taking this course. As a manager, I will contribute to solving different problems such as leadership development in human resource management. By being a manager I will bring essential structure, processes, tools and points of view to make the best selection and develop the future leaders of an organisation. I dream of becoming a human resource manager of any company since I will help with different skills and knowledge on how to produce, and how to use human resources as a source of income for people and companies. Also, I will teach the fundamentals of business.
Mostly, I like to watch football games because it helps to refresh my mind and to eliminate bad stress and brain fatigue. Also, I like to perform different body exercises to keep my body strong against infections. And the last is reading novels and plays which help to increase English grammar and vocabulary and increase the ability to speak the language correctly.
✅Evance Daudi Mazengo's application has been reviewed
✅Evance Daudi Mazengo has been interviewed
✅Evance Daudi Mazengo's enrollment has been confirmed by Kampala International University in Tanzania
Social Science & Business
Evance Daudi Mazengo
Business Administration
Kampala International University in Tanzania

remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2025
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 3
By being a manager I will bring essential structure, processes, tools and points of view to make the best selection and develop the future leaders of an organisation.
By being a manager I will bring essential structure, processes, tools and points of view to make the best selection and develop the future leaders of an organisation.
My name is Evance Mazengo. My family has seven members. My mother passed away in 2017. My father is a peasant and use much time cultivating the farm where he can get some crops for food and for sale. My academic performance increased day after day in primary and secondary school and I entered the advanced level. I passed the exams and was qualified to join university education. University education was so hard for me since I lacked loan from the government and support from parents and other guardians thus I decide to postpone my studies. Now I'm waiting for my new academic studies in October 2022 to start my studies again and I hope I will perform better than before.
Business administration is based on human resource management, and the course title itself inspired me to take this field. I also got inspired by people who are taking this course. As a manager, I will contribute to solving different problems such as leadership development in human resource management. By being a manager I will bring essential structure, processes, tools and points of view to make the best selection and develop the future leaders of an organisation. I dream of becoming a human resource manager of any company since I will help with different skills and knowledge on how to produce, and how to use human resources as a source of income for people and companies. Also, I will teach the fundamentals of business.
Mostly, I like to watch football games because it helps to refresh my mind and to eliminate bad stress and brain fatigue. Also, I like to perform different body exercises to keep my body strong against infections. And the last is reading novels and plays which help to increase English grammar and vocabulary and increase the ability to speak the language correctly.
Q: How can I trust Evance Daudi Mazengo is a real student?

A: Evance Daudi Mazengo has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Evance Daudi Mazengo . We have also double-checked the given identity with Kampala International University in Tanzania. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.