Medicine & Health
Flora Mwachiela
Clinical Medicine
Bulongwa Health Science Institute
9540 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2022
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 1
Through the education that I obtain from college, I will help society become aware of some diseases that can easily be prevented
Through the education that I obtain from college, I will help society become aware of some diseases that can easily be prevented
I am the third born in my family. My parents used to live together but were later divorced and lived separately. I am now living with my aunt since my parents passed away when I was in primary school. I went to stadium primary school, Mtwara sisters secondary school, and then Maria de Matias where I completed my advanced level. I grew up in my aunt's family that lives at Mtama, Lindi.
I chose this field of study in order to heal patients, as well as giving them hope for recovery. Other healthcare workers in our society inspired me a lot and I wanted to be like them. Through the education that I obtain from college, I will help society become aware of some diseases that can easily be prevented. This will help them improve their health status. My dream job is to become a medical doctor. The way I see patients suffer, and how their relatives becomes sad, I feel the urge to help them to reduce their pain and maintain their health status. I am very passionate to pursue my dream and I want to fullfil it. I started to have this dream already when I was in primary school, and I still have it.
During my free time I get to do several things I like. I always like to explore and discover the nature, playing games on my own phone, and sometimes sleeping. Some sports, like football, I always enjoy watching, but not playing or involving myself in it.