Medicine & Health
Fredrick Edward
Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Dodoma
7310 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2024
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
Through pharmacy, I can provide counselling to people with HIV on the proper use of medicines.
Through pharmacy, I can provide counselling to people with HIV on the proper use of medicines.
Our family consists of three children, all male. My mother is self-employed as a farmer. I am the only one in the whole family who reach university-level education. My brother ended his studies at a secondary lower level and my young brother at a primary level of education.
I choose pharmacy because it was my dream job. I like to serve people and pharmacy involves serving people by providing education on the use of proper medicines to patients.
Through pharmacy, I can provide counselling to people with HIV on the proper use of medicines.
My dream job is to become a pharmacist. I like to dispense medicine and provide the needed instructions to the patient.
Also, I would like to work with making medicines in the pharmacy industry.
In my free time, I like playing football with my classmates. I read the Bible and sometimes I watch movies with my roommates. Also, I volunteer on teaching people in my community in how to preserve our environment.