Hussein Abdallah Hussein
Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Dodoma
School fee per year: 7310 SEK
Year of graduation: 2024
My name is Hussein. I was born in the Pwani region in the Mafia district. I started my studies at primary school in 2008 and completed this level of education in 2014. I completed the ordinary level in 2018 and the advanced level in 2019. In my family, I am the first one to reach the university level of studies. My father and mother are farmers who conduct a small-scale agriculture.
The main thing that inspired me to choose this field of study is my mercifulness (the feeling that motivates compassion) toward patients. This field of study may lead to helping not only patients, but also the whole society by encouraging them to fight against risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of diseases. My dream job is to become a pharmacist. The pharmacy program has a wide range of possible jobs such as a dispenser, the one that supplies and distributes medical products to the patients also compounding, the one that prepares, produces and formulates medication for health treatment. My dream job is compounding because it gives me an opportunity to me to help society by producing different types of medicines and doing research to help society.
In my free time, I like to do different activities in my interests. I like to help not only my siblings, but also other students with their studies and encourage them to study hard in order to reach their dreams. In my free time, I like to be a volunteer in different activities in the society that encourgage the development to society. Also, I would like to educate people in the community on working hard in order to fight poverty to develop society and the nation at large.
✅Hussein Abdallah Hussein 's application has been reviewed
✅Hussein Abdallah Hussein has been interviewed
✅Hussein Abdallah Hussein 's enrollment has been confirmed by University of Dodoma
Medicine & Health
Hussein Abdallah Hussein
Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Dodoma

7310 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2024
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
I would like to educate people in the community on working hard in order to fight poverty to develop society and the nation at large.
I would like to educate people in the community on working hard in order to fight poverty to develop society and the nation at large.
My name is Hussein. I was born in the Pwani region in the Mafia district. I started my studies at primary school in 2008 and completed this level of education in 2014. I completed the ordinary level in 2018 and the advanced level in 2019. In my family, I am the first one to reach the university level of studies. My father and mother are farmers who conduct a small-scale agriculture.
The main thing that inspired me to choose this field of study is my mercifulness (the feeling that motivates compassion) toward patients. This field of study may lead to helping not only patients, but also the whole society by encouraging them to fight against risk factors that contribute to the occurrence of diseases. My dream job is to become a pharmacist. The pharmacy program has a wide range of possible jobs such as a dispenser, the one that supplies and distributes medical products to the patients also compounding, the one that prepares, produces and formulates medication for health treatment. My dream job is compounding because it gives me an opportunity to me to help society by producing different types of medicines and doing research to help society.
In my free time, I like to do different activities in my interests. I like to help not only my siblings, but also other students with their studies and encourage them to study hard in order to reach their dreams. In my free time, I like to be a volunteer in different activities in the society that encourgage the development to society. Also, I would like to educate people in the community on working hard in order to fight poverty to develop society and the nation at large.
Q: How can I trust Hussein Abdallah Hussein is a real student?

A: Hussein Abdallah Hussein has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Hussein Abdallah Hussein . We have also double-checked the given identity with University of Dodoma. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.