Engineering & Natural Science
Kwandu Maduhu Kulimba
Computer Engineering
University of Dar es Salaam
5740 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2025
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 3
I will use my carrier to inspire and educate the community, and I am going to be a great inspiration for girls to overcome gender issues in the community.
I will use my carrier to inspire and educate the community, and I am going to be a great inspiration for girls to overcome gender issues in the community.
I was born in a family of small-scale farmers in Simiyu-Bariadi as the fourth child among seven children from my mother and father, though I have other siblings from my stepmother. My mother is responsible for everything in our family including studies and other basic needs, for all my levels of education I studied in public schools. Then I joined the university of Dar es Salaam where I'm pursuing my degree program.
I chose the field of engineering to serve my community as a computer engineer and IT. I will use my carrier to inspire and educate the community, and I am going to be a great inspiration for girls to overcome gender issues in the community.
Also, I chose the field for the development of technology in the country Tanzania and worldwide. My dream job is to become a computer engineer expert in website designing and a data scientist.
I love reading books, I am a poetess as a hobby. I also like arguments and reasoning through the ideas I obtain from books, I like inspiring and serving people.