Engineering & Natural Science
Maria Kisaka
Biomedical Equipment Engineering
Mbeya University of Science and Technology
4176 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2023
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
I chose biomedical equipment engineering because through this field, I will be able to improve human health.
I chose biomedical equipment engineering because through this field, I will be able to improve human health.
I am the fifth born in our family. When I was five years old, my aunt came and picked me up, and since then I have stayed with my uncle and my aunt. Both my biological parents are farmers. I used to study at Himo primary school, and then I joined Muungano secondary school, where I studied for four years, and then after that, I joined Mkuu high school for two years. From there, I proceeded to Mbeya University of Science and Technology in 2020.
I chose biomedical equipment engineering because through this field, I will be able to improve human health by applying engineering principles and methods to medical problem. Also, through biomedical engineering I will also be able to conduct different medical research. My dream job is to become a biomedical equipment engineer, which is a person that design equipment and devices such as internal organs replacement for body parts and diagnostic machines, and moreover also installs, maintains, repairs and provides technical support for medical equipment.
I really like and enjoy to swim, travel, volunteer and doing charity. When I have free time I usually spend a lot of time with my friends, swimming and travelling in different areas. Also, I use much of my time to volunteer in different institutes, especially for orphans and street children.