Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah
Health Information Systems
University of Dodoma
School fee per year: 7160 SEK
Year of graduation: 2024
I was born in Kahama district found in Shinyanga region where I lived with both of parents until 2008 when I started living with my mom and four siblings. We moved to Kishapu district and I started primary school in 2008 and completed my primary level 2014 and I was successfully selected to join form one Mangu secondary found at Kishapu district in Shinyanga region. Fortunately, I was among the selected students to join Mama Salma Kikwete foundation which undertakes control over a school known as Wama Nakayama secondary school which is located at Kibiti Pwani, I studied there from form one to advanced level then I was selected to join the university of Dodoma to pursue a bachelor degree of Health information system which is currently known as Health information science.
What inspired me to study the carrier I'm now pursuing is that I want to solve problems related to IT(technology) in my society. It is now used in most fields, and that's why I decided to pursue a bachelor of Health information systems so then I can be aware of new technological innovations such as seeing doctors online. I will make my society aware of proper hygiene and the use of safe water(such as boiled and chlorinated water) so that they can be free from disease eruption such as cholera. My dream job would be to work as IT manager at any hospital. My dream job allows me to make a positive impact on people every day. I would love to work for a hospital like general hospital that makes life saving and life-enriching workers that thousands of people are saved. I would love to be part of a team that finds innovative ways to make systems more efficient and effective. I have always been a positive person, which translates to my work as well. Even when working on a challenging project, I find it essential to stay positive about it. I believe this could influence my colleagues to act similarly. I enjoy guiding other team members on projects and making sure everything goes smoothly. My dream job is being a leader where the other team members are active participants and communication is often done. I love seeing a project through to the end and celebrating everyone’s hard work.
When I am free, I use my time to learn more about what we studied in class so that I can be able to do better in my studies. I also look at tutorials on how to install and customize open systems such as DHIS2 used in hospitals, open MRS also used in hospitals and other systems that be used to solve technological problems. I practice what I watched. Also, I think about how to have good communication skills with my colleagues and people in general so that we can both the same language and influence teamwork among us and practice rapid typing as it increases the capability to use the computer when doing class activities
✅Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah's application has been reviewed
✅Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah has been interviewed
✅Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah's enrollment has been confirmed by University of Dodoma
Medicine & Health
Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah
Health Information Systems
University of Dodoma

7160 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2024
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
I would love to work for a hospital like general hospital that makes life saving and life-enriching workers that thousands of people are saved.
I would love to work for a hospital like general hospital that makes life saving and life-enriching workers that thousands of people are saved.
I was born in Kahama district found in Shinyanga region where I lived with both of parents until 2008 when I started living with my mom and four siblings. We moved to Kishapu district and I started primary school in 2008 and completed my primary level 2014 and I was successfully selected to join form one Mangu secondary found at Kishapu district in Shinyanga region. Fortunately, I was among the selected students to join Mama Salma Kikwete foundation which undertakes control over a school known as Wama Nakayama secondary school which is located at Kibiti Pwani, I studied there from form one to advanced level then I was selected to join the university of Dodoma to pursue a bachelor degree of Health information system which is currently known as Health information science.
What inspired me to study the carrier I'm now pursuing is that I want to solve problems related to IT(technology) in my society. It is now used in most fields, and that's why I decided to pursue a bachelor of Health information systems so then I can be aware of new technological innovations such as seeing doctors online. I will make my society aware of proper hygiene and the use of safe water(such as boiled and chlorinated water) so that they can be free from disease eruption such as cholera. My dream job would be to work as IT manager at any hospital. My dream job allows me to make a positive impact on people every day. I would love to work for a hospital like general hospital that makes life saving and life-enriching workers that thousands of people are saved. I would love to be part of a team that finds innovative ways to make systems more efficient and effective. I have always been a positive person, which translates to my work as well. Even when working on a challenging project, I find it essential to stay positive about it. I believe this could influence my colleagues to act similarly. I enjoy guiding other team members on projects and making sure everything goes smoothly. My dream job is being a leader where the other team members are active participants and communication is often done. I love seeing a project through to the end and celebrating everyone’s hard work.
When I am free, I use my time to learn more about what we studied in class so that I can be able to do better in my studies. I also look at tutorials on how to install and customize open systems such as DHIS2 used in hospitals, open MRS also used in hospitals and other systems that be used to solve technological problems. I practice what I watched. Also, I think about how to have good communication skills with my colleagues and people in general so that we can both the same language and influence teamwork among us and practice rapid typing as it increases the capability to use the computer when doing class activities
Q: How can I trust Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah is a real student?

A: Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Minzamaria Matanga Jeremiah . We have also double-checked the given identity with University of Dodoma. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.