Engineering & Natural Science
Samwel Solomon
Mechanical Engineering
Mbeya University of Science and Technology
4176 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2022
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 1
As we are approaching a new industrialized Tanzania, I must understand how to run the industry
As we are approaching a new industrialized Tanzania, I must understand how to run the industry
I was born on the 16th of March in 1994 in Bariadi Simiyu as a second boy among three siblings, and we grew up by the help of both our mother and father. I started my secondary education in 2009 and finished in 2012 at Ntobo secondary school. I joined for advanced level at Mbeya University of Science and Technology in 2019, for my diploma in mechanical engineering, and it is my hopes that I will graduate in 2022.
Mechanical engineering is all about manufacturing, designing, and doing machine operations. As we are approaching a new industrialized Tanzania, I must understand how to run the industry. Mechanical engineering is widely used in industries and will help me to employ myself, since mechanical engineers are willing to take risks and to have confidence in their decisions under pressure. Mechanical engineers are good in team working, as working in teams means I can share expertise and develop faster. My dream is to establish a fertilizer industry. The fertilizer from my industry will be friendly to environments and will thus reduce the uses of carbon dioxide in manufacturing. My fertilizer will also reduce the increase of greenhouse effects and will spare my country from importing fertilizer from abroad.
I like to add knowledge in my studies, and I usually go to street workshops and learn how to join metal by arc welding. I also do walking to make my body fit and free from illness. Moreover, I help and talk to people who are in difficult environments, such as orphans.