Siver Boniface Likonde
Business Administration
Mbeya University of Science and Technology
School fee per year: 5208 SEK
Year of graduation: 2023
I was born in the 18 June 2001 in Ng'ombo hospital, Ruvuma region. In 2005 my parents separated, so I was brought up by my mother and grandmother. I started primary education from 2008 to 2014 in Ng'ombo primary school. I also joined secondary education from 2015 to 2018 at Nyasa secondary school in 2019 I joined the university. In general our family is involved in small business and the cultivation of food crops such as the cultivation of cassava and rice.
Because I want to help my community which is facing the problem of lack of saving money or financial education. As a bank manager, I will be able to educate the public about the importance of keeping money in financial institution, such as bank. I want to be a bank manager.
Outside of my studies, I like to engage in entrepreneurship especially selling peanut and pumpkins. I also prefer sports such as playing netball and volleyball.
✅Siver Boniface Likonde's application has been reviewed
✅Siver Boniface Likonde has been interviewed
✅Siver Boniface Likonde's enrollment has been confirmed by Mbeya University of Science and Technology
Social Science & Business
Siver Boniface Likonde
Business Administration
Mbeya University of Science and Technology

5208 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2023
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 1
As a bank manager, I will be able to educate the public about the importance of keeping money in financial institution, such as bank.
As a bank manager, I will be able to educate the public about the importance of keeping money in financial institution, such as bank.
I was born in the 18 June 2001 in Ng'ombo hospital, Ruvuma region. In 2005 my parents separated, so I was brought up by my mother and grandmother. I started primary education from 2008 to 2014 in Ng'ombo primary school. I also joined secondary education from 2015 to 2018 at Nyasa secondary school in 2019 I joined the university. In general our family is involved in small business and the cultivation of food crops such as the cultivation of cassava and rice.
Because I want to help my community which is facing the problem of lack of saving money or financial education. As a bank manager, I will be able to educate the public about the importance of keeping money in financial institution, such as bank. I want to be a bank manager.
Outside of my studies, I like to engage in entrepreneurship especially selling peanut and pumpkins. I also prefer sports such as playing netball and volleyball.
Q: How can I trust Siver Boniface Likonde is a real student?

A: Siver Boniface Likonde has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Siver Boniface Likonde . We have also double-checked the given identity with Mbeya University of Science and Technology. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.