Virginia Boniface Giti
University of Dodoma
School fee per year: 7310 SEK
Year of graduation: 2024
I am Virginia Giti from a single parent family with five members my mother, two brothers, one sister and me. The family is having challenges and the economic situation of the family is bad. My mother borrowed money in order to meet various family needs and paying fees. In short, the family economic situation is so bad that sometimes we fail to meet our basic needs.
Nurses in different hospitals which my mother was admitted were the once inspired me. Most of them where caring of the patient in a good way. Therefore, I want to be a good nurse who will promote health and prevent illness. I am a future nurse. As a nurse I will be a good advocator of patients. As a nurse I will ensure that patients receive direct and proper care. I will be the trainer of patients concerning their problems and the society around.
Beside my studies, I like educating women in Tanzania especially those from rural areas about their rights. As a woman I like to be independent by doing entrepreneurial activities. I also like to educate girls from poor families on how to behave when facing difficult economic situations so that they achieve their goals.
✅Virginia Boniface Giti's application has been reviewed
✅Virginia Boniface Giti has been interviewed
✅Virginia Boniface Giti's enrollment has been confirmed by University of Dodoma
Medicine & Health
Virginia Boniface Giti
University of Dodoma

7310 SEK
remaining in total
school fee per year
0% of degree funded
Year of graduation: 2024
Number of years supported by Help to Help: 2
I also like to educate girls from poor families on how to behave when facing difficult economic situations so that they achieve their goals.
I also like to educate girls from poor families on how to behave when facing difficult economic situations so that they achieve their goals.
I am Virginia Giti from a single parent family with five members my mother, two brothers, one sister and me. The family is having challenges and the economic situation of the family is bad. My mother borrowed money in order to meet various family needs and paying fees. In short, the family economic situation is so bad that sometimes we fail to meet our basic needs.
Nurses in different hospitals which my mother was admitted were the once inspired me. Most of them where caring of the patient in a good way. Therefore, I want to be a good nurse who will promote health and prevent illness. I am a future nurse. As a nurse I will be a good advocator of patients. As a nurse I will ensure that patients receive direct and proper care. I will be the trainer of patients concerning their problems and the society around.
Beside my studies, I like educating women in Tanzania especially those from rural areas about their rights. As a woman I like to be independent by doing entrepreneurial activities. I also like to educate girls from poor families on how to behave when facing difficult economic situations so that they achieve their goals.
Q: How can I trust Virginia Boniface Giti is a real student?

A: Virginia Boniface Giti has applied for a scholarship from Help to Help and was granted one. We have reviewed the written application and conducted a thorough interview with Virginia Boniface Giti . We have also double-checked the given identity with University of Dodoma. We now and then also do home-visits and met with a majority of our students.

Q: If I donate, what happens with my donation?

A: Each semester, Help to Help pay school fees for our students. We reserve the right to only pay school fees for students who live up to the agreed terms and conditions for the scholarship which includes submitting grades in time, good academic perform and continuous communication with Help to Help among other things. The payments are done directly to each university. Once payments are done, we demand the universities to send us official receipts.