4.1. Private Donors
Private individuals can support us in different ways, we continuously seek to find relevant offers to meet donor interests and be relevant when they make their choice for a donation cause.
4.1.1. Monthly Donors are private individuals that have signed up for regular monthly donations. The donation is transferred via autogiro or a recurring credit card payment. Monthly Donors always have an opportunity to change or quit their engagement in Help to Help.
4.1.2. Sporadic Donors are private individuals that donate on a regular or a non-regular basis and without any agreement on continuing doing so. Sporadic donors use the payment channel of their choice, e.g. Swish, BG, SMS, bank transfer, dividends, wills, fundraisers via for example Facebook or Better now, etc.
4.1.3. Major Donors are private individual donors that donate more than 100 TSEK in one year. These can be either pledge donors, sporadic or specified in written donation agreements.
4.1.4. If donors do not wish to get information or communication from Help to Help it shall be respected.
4.2. Corporate and Organisational Donors
According to our “Principles for Fundraising” (2), we accept donations from companies, organisations, governmental institutions, philanthrope/private major donors and foundations to fund our work. Companies and organisations can support us in two ways:
Monthly Donors are private individuals that have signed up for regular monthly donations. The donation is transferred via autogiro or a recurring credit card payment. Monthly Donors always have an opportunity to change or quit their engagement in Help to Help.
4.2.1. Corporate or Organisational Supporters
Corporate or Organisational Supporters are corporates and organisations that support Help to Help financially without agreements. Donations coming from this segment are generally one-off unrestricted funds.
4.2.2. Corporate or Organisational Partnerships
Corporate or Organisational Partnerships are defined cooperations in written agreements that include a commitment to support the Help to Help vision and mission, generate funds and/or supporting services.
Besides raising funds, a Corporate or Organisational Partnership also aims to increase knowledge about and promote actions to ensure that more people can access higher education and increased chances for employment. Funding Partnerships is also an avenue to reach new and broader targets groups with information about Help to Help’s work. All joint communication with donors, use of Help to Help’s logo as well as the size of the donation are always regulated in written agreements.
All Corporate or Organisational Partnership agreements clearly states that Help to Help will always reserve the right to critically review and criticise our partners and that we have the right to decline any partnership proposal or terminate any active partnership, if we conclude that the partner through its actions do not live up to the commitment to support the Help to Help’s vision and mission. Final decision to reject or terminate a partnership lies with the Managing Director.
We distinguish between two types of Corporate or Organisational Partnerships: “Fundraising Partnerships” and “Pro-bono Partnerships”. Fundraising Partnerships
We refer to Fundraising Partnerships when a Company or an Organisation have agreed to support us financially on a long-term basis or within the scope of one of our campaigns. We seek Fundraising Partnerships based on the below criteria and consult with regional and program managers for relevant input to develop funding opportunities:
- Shared values and support of Help to Help’s vision and mission
- Our ability to deliver
- Relevant CSR strategies
- Brand fit
- Communications and target group reach
- Long-term stability
Before signing a partnership, a more detailed vetting will be done by the Managing Director. The Managing Director has the right to make decisions and sign partnership agreements. However, in case of any doubts as to whether the partnership will or will not benefit the organisation, the proposed partnership shall be presented to the Board who will make the final decision. Pro-bono Partnerships
Pro-bono donations that offset costs are called Pro-bono Partnerships.
4.3. Rejection of Donations
Help to Help reserves the right to reject donations from donors who do not share Help to Helps’ core values, ethical policy or who in other ways may damage the organisation. It may include donations from political and religious organisations.
Help to Help does not accept donations from organisations or companies:
- whose business is related to alcohol, tobacco or other drugs, pornography or weapon.
- whose business has an evident negative effect on the environment or violates human rights.
- who are involved in corruption, unethical, exploiting or any criminal activity.